Plano Snoring Treatment
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring is caused by blocked air passages. The air forces its way through, creating the noisy vibrations we know as snoring. Many factors may contribute to airway blockage, from the size of passages and oral or airway structures, to swelling of passageways or position of the tongue.
Snoring—What’s the Solution?
A custom snoreguard works by repositioning the jaw and tongue to allow for unobstructed airflow. The snoreguard is a custom-made appliance, similar to an athletic mouthguard, that you wear comfortably throughout the night. Most people have little trouble adjusting to the appliance and find immediate relief.
If your sleeping partner says you snore while asleep, or if you experience daytime sleepiness, contact us for a consultation. A snoreguard may improve your quality of life.