All posts by AllSmiles

What is done to make sure sedation at the dentist is safe?

I keep reading reading that sedation dentistry is safe. Will you please give me a little more information on why it is considered safe? This is a procedure that I interested in but I feel like I don’t know enough about it. I don’t want more trouble at a dentist’s office than I came in with. What is done at a dentist’s office to make sure I am safe with sedation? Thanks. Dionna


Most states require that dentists receive training and certification in sedation dentistry. Precautions are taken to ensure safe and effective treatment before, during, and after your dental appointment.

  • Before sedation is given to you, a review of your medical history will be completed to determine if you are a candidate for sedation. Be certain to tell your dentist about all medications and supplements you take, as well as any allergies you may have.
  • The sedation methods include common substances to help you relax—nitrous oxide and anti-anxiety medication.
  • During your dental procedure, your vital signs will be monitored. So in advance of your appointment, the dental staff will ensure that the monitoring equipment is working properly.
  • Your blood pressure and oxygen level will be monitored. Many dentists use an EKG to observe your heart rate. This is always true for patients with a risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Although sedation dentistry is safe, emergency equipment and emergency medication are readily available.
  • For oral surgery, all post-operative materials will be prepared in advance.

Before you choose a sedation dentist, ask about his or her training experience. Find out how often the dentist uses sedation. You will also want to know what levels of sedation the dentist uses (nitrous oxide, conscious oral, or IV sedation).

If you have additional questions about what to expect before, during, and after your dental procedure, don’t hesitate to ask them.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can’t afford a dentist? Five ways to prevent a dental emergency.

Can’t afford a dentist? You may be interested in ways to prevent a dental emergency. Here are five:

  1. Brush and floss daily. You should brush your teeth twice daily and thoroughly floss between all of your teeth every day. Why? Brushing and flossing remove trapped food between your teeth that can otherwise lead to decay and plaque. Decayed teeth progressively worsen and lead to cavities. Untreated cavities progress and eventually require a root canal treatment. Plaque can lead to gum inflammation, causing gums to bleed and eventually, full-blown gum disease results.
  2. Wear a mouth guard when playing sports. Mouth guards protect the teeth, gums, cheeks, tongue, and lips. A significant blow to any one of these areas can lead you to a dental chair and a dental bill that is more expensive than a mouth guard.
  3. Don’t use your teeth to cut things or to try to open things. Trying to open a package, a bottle, or anything else with your teeth can seriously cut your gums or harm your teeth. The progressive pain will require the attention of a dentist. And an urgent care or emergency room trip won’t do. You may receive pain medication or antibiotics. But you will also be referred to a dentist for an examination.
  4. Avoid chewing ice or popcorn kernels, and don’t bite hard objects. These items can weaken your teeth and cause them crack or chip your teeth. An untreated crack or chip can worsen with time and require dental bonding or a dental crown.
  5. Regularly get your teeth professionally cleaned. And that applies even if you don’t have dental insurance. Get your teeth cleaned anyway. The out-of-pocket cost to get your teeth professionally cleaned helps prevent periodontal (gum) disease. It also assists in the early detection of cavities and other dental problems that, if left untreated, can escalate into more serious and more costly issues.

Remember that a dentist’s priority is to help you maintain good oral health. He or she will help you receive preventive care that is affordable for you.

If you have an unavoidable dental emergency, most dentists schedule time in each day for emergency appointments, so call right away for an examination.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Does my son need a mouth guard if he still has his primary teeth?

My 6 year old is in a junior soccer league. He doesn’t have his permanent teeth yet so I am wondering if a mouth guard is necessary. Thanks a lot. Nora

Nora – From a dentist’s perspective, a mouth guard is a must. Mouth guards protect the gums and teeth, and they absorb the impact to the face or mouth.

Although your son still has primary teeth, they need to be preserved. Primary teeth hold the position for permanent teeth and help guide them in place. When a primary tooth is missing, the other teeth will begin to drift toward the missing space. This can impact the growth of permanent teeth.

Trauma to the gums can be serious. A gash or cut in the gums can be a painful experience. If it’s serious, stitches may be needed. A mouth guard can help prevent or lessen the seriousness of such trauma. In addition to protect the teeth and gums, a mouth guard can protect the lips, jawbone, tongue, and cheeks.

The small investment for your son’s safety is less costly than an actual injury. Speak with your son’s dentist about your options for protecting his teeth during sports activities.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

1 dentist recommends a dental implant and the other a root canal

I saw 2 dentists about a tooth that has been giving me a lot of problems. 1 dentist recommends a dental implant and the other a root canal. Which would be better? Marcel

Marcel – If a natural tooth can be preserved without causing you pain and discomfort, or compromising your oral health, that’s always the better option. Do you have information on the condition of the tooth? Were you told what to expect in two or three years—or even less time—if you choose to have your natural tooth restored?

These are factors that can help you make a decision. It may also be helpful to know that a 2008 study published in the Journal of Endodontics shows that a dental implant is more likely to need maintenance that a root canal treatment.

The three-year study followed 129 dental implants and 149 root canal treatments. While only 1% of the root canal treatments needed further attention, 12% of the dental implants needed intervention.

Of course there are times when dental implants are the best option. In fact, they are the most natural looking, feeling, and functioning form of tooth replacement.

In addition to statistics, you can consider getting opinions from specialists—perhaps an endodontist (specializes in root canal treatments) and a prosthodontist (specializes in tooth restoration and dental implants) or a dental implant surgeon. Taking a little extra time to explore your options will give you confidence in making a decision about your treatment.


This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Teeth whitening trays cut my gums

I got a free teeth whitening kit. They trays are supposed to be one size fits all but for some reason they cut my gums either when I put them on or take them off. They haven’t cut my gums every time, but last night the cut was pretty bad and it bled for about 15 minutes. My gums still hurt and now I am afraid to put the trays back on because I think the gel will burn on the cut. Is there a way I can smooth out the edges on the trays so they fit right? Thanks. Aleis

Aleis – We don’t recommend that you try to adjust or smooth the trays. If you trim the trays too much, even after your gums heal, the bleaching gel can burn your gums overall because the gel will spill out over the edges.

We do recommend that you discontinue using the trays and get properly fitting trays from your dentist. The trays from your dentist will not be one-size-fits all trays. They will be based on impressions of your teeth and be customized to ensure that you get maximum results from bleaching gel.

Many patients hesitate to ask for teeth whitening from their dentist because of the cost. But you don’t know until you ask. You may be surprised at how your dentist will work with your budget to make teeth whitening affordable for you. Some dentists even offer free teeth whitening. Find out what options your dentist offers patients to safely brighten your smile.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


What can I use to fill my own cavities if I can’t afford a dentist?

At my last visit to the dentist I found out that I have 2 cavities that need to be filled. I put off the appointment for the fillings because I don’t have dental insurance anymore. Also since then we’ve had some emergency home repairs and I have to put off the dental appt again. The place I go to is a pretty big practice and they are always trying to upsell me on something so I am not about to ask for any favors on paying for my tooth fillings. What can I use to fill my own cavities? Thanks. Titus

Titus – The techniques, materials, and tools that are needed to successfully remove decay from your tooth, clean the tooth, prepare it for filling, and place the filling are unique to skilled dentists.

Even if you had access to the necessary items to fill a cavity, you would not be able to complete the procedure on yourself. Please don’t attempt it. You can cause damage to your teeth, or inadequately complete the procedure and cause more problems than the cavities present.

Cavities that are left untreated, or that are improperly treated, can result in further decay or infection that becomes more difficult and more costly to treat. If your current dentist is unable to provide you with ways to make the treatment you need affordable, find a dentist who will.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


Smoke weed instead of getting nitrous from dentist?

I have cancelled 4 dental appointments for a root canal. My dentist finally called me last week and told me the whole deal about the infection spreading and causing more trouble than just my tooth. He suggested that I let him give me some type of sedation. We can start with nitrous and if it’s not strong enough there is a med for anxiety that should really do the trick. I know that weed relaxes me so I am thinking that might be the route to go. Any problem? – Sawyer

Sawyer – Smoking—tobacco, weed, or any other substance—in advance of oral dental procedures is not recommended. Smoking, before or after invasive oral procedures, inhibits the healing process and increases the risk of infection.

Do you have reservations about receiving sedation dentistry? If so, discuss your concerns with your dentist. Ask questions about what is involved in administering sedation, and find out how it will affect you before, during, and after your root canal treatment.

Nitrous oxide is a mild gas, also referred to as laughing gas, which will relax you as you breathe it in. The effects are quickly reversed, and you can drive home after your appointment. Higher levels of sedation are available, but require transportation to and from your dental appointment.

Dentists who are trained in sedation techniques have great success in providing the correct level of sedation to match your anxiety. Speak with your dentist as soon as possible to get a solution for your needs and to avoid prolonging the root canal treatment. A skilled, gentle dentist can make a root canal treatment painless. Your oral health is too important to delay treatment.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

What if I’m allergic to conscious oral sedative?

Hi. I have lots of allergies and I am either very sensitive or allergic to many prescription medications. I am afraid that I will have a bad reaction to a conscious oral sedative from a dentist. At the same time, I really need to be sedated for extensive dental work. What can be done if I am allergic to the sedative a dentist is planning on using? Maia

Maia – Before you receive sedation, your dentist will thoroughly review your medical history. If you have a known allergy to a specific class of sedatives, a different class can likely be used. Be certain to provide a list of all your current medications, as well as any medications to which you are allergic, or have sensitivities.

Nitrous oxide—a lower level of sedation—may be effective for you. If you require a higher level of sedation, your dentist will work to find a medication, or a means of sedation, that is right for you. If needed, your dentist will work with your medical doctor or pharmacist to meet your needs. Your dental work can likely be done in phases to ensure your comfort.

Your oral health and overall well-being will be of primary importance when identifying conscious oral sedatives that will safely help you relax during dental procedures.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can adult baby teeth be replaced with dental implants?

I am 31 years old with three primary teeth. The permanent teeth never came in. This same issue is something that my grandmother on my father’s side had too. The three teeth are on the top left side of my mouth but they are toward the front. Can these teeth be pulled and replaced with dental implants? Thanks. Judith

Judith – It is possible to extract your primary teeth and replace them with dental implants, but it may not be necessary to do so.

Before you decide on a specific treatment to enhance your smile, schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. Depending on the size of your primary teeth, it may be possible to receive porcelain veneers. The veneers have a lifelike appearance and will be made to match the color and characteristics of your natural teeth. They are bonded to the front of your teeth.

A porcelain crowns is another option that covers the entire natural tooth. A customized crown will blend in with your natural teeth.

A cosmetic dentist can determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. If so, it is possible to extract the primary teeth, replace them with dental implants, and attach natural-looking dental crowns to the implants. Your implants will feel and function like natural teeth.

Schedule an appointment to discuss your options with a skilled cosmetic dentist who offers dental implants.


This post is sponsored by Plano, TX cosmetic dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


Is sedation dentistry addictive?

I’m investigating sedation dentistry but I don’t see any info on whether or not it’s something I can get addicted to? I don’t want to take that risk just because I am nervous at the dentist. I would rather take my own meds. Theo

Theo – There are various levels of sedation, and if used only for dental appointments, it is uncommon to become addicted to them. You will be given a level of sedation that matches your level of anxiety.

The medication you receive is mild, commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medication. The medication you receive will make you drowsy and help you relax.  The effects will wear off in several hours. Also, the medication is not taken on an ongoing basis. It is only used when you have a dental appointment that requires it.

If you have a dentist who uses sedation, or if you are choosing one who does, speak with him or her about the types of sedation available in the office, as well as the side effects.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.