We received a gallon bucket full of pecans in the shell from a friend. Yes, we do have a nutcracker, but for some reason my husband decided to open the shells with his teeth. One of his teeth cracked. I heard it and he felt it. Our dentist is in Europe until January 4. If we go to the urgent care is this something they can temporarily bond? We saved the piece of the tooth that cracked off. Thanks janet
Janet – The urgent care is not the place to go for a cracked tooth. They don’t have the dental equipment needed to x-ray teeth or the materials to restore them.
You will be able to find a local dentist who accepts dental emergencies to examine and x-ray your husband’s tooth. Since tooth bonding is needed, we recommend a cosmetic dentist to provide the restoration. A cosmetic dentist knows how to use and manipulate composite bonding material so that it matches natural teeth.
You didn’t mention when the accident with your husband’s tooth happened, but he really needs to see a dentist right away.
A lingering toothache, a cracked or chipped tooth, a bleeding tooth, a lost filling or crown, and various types of trauma to the teeth or tongue should be considered dental emergencies.
Although it may appear that the only damage is a cracked tooth, there may be other trauma to the tooth that is more easily and effectively treated if he sees a dentist right away.
This post is sponsored by Plano, TX cosmetic dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.