Tag Archives: cosmetic dentist crowns

How Can I Find a Good Cosmetic Dentist?

I live 80 miles from your office. I’m looking for a cosmetic dentist that is closer to home. I don’t want to have consultations and x-rays from each dentist. My time is limited, and I would like to narrow my choices at home before scheduling appointments. Please give me tips on what to look for in a cosmetic dentist. I need three new crowns. Thanks, Gina


Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, we have some suggestions. There is a lot of information online about dentists and their practices.

1.    Check patient reviews

Look for online reviews about the dentist. You can check Google Business Profiles, Yelp, and Facebook reviews. You can type a dentist’s name and the word reviews to find other sources.

2.    Look at cosmetic dentists’ websites

An experienced cosmetic dentist has a website. Read the doctor’s bio to learn about their training, experience, continuing education, and experience. Look for a dentist’s post-graduate training in cosmetic dentistry.

3.    Schedule a complimentary visit

Most cosmetic dentists offer a complimentary consultation. Tell the scheduler you want to see the office, meet the dentist, and discuss treatment options. Many dental practices will schedule five or ten minutes with the dentist or staff to discuss your smile goals. You will have an opportunity to decide if you would feel comfortable at the dental practice. Visit at least two cosmetic dentists before you choose a provider. Ask each dentist for patients’ before-and-after dental crown procedures.

Dr. Miranda Lacy, a Plano, Texas dentist, sponsors this post.

I Wanted BL4 Shade Crowns, But My Dentist Declined

My eight upper front teeth have old crowns that I got in 2004. I am happy that the crowns lasted so long, but they need an update. My previous dentist retired six years ago. My current dentist recommended a B1 shade, although I wanted lighter crowns. She made my temporary crowns in the B1 shade anyway because she thought I would like them when I saw them. The crowns do not look any whiter than my old ones.

My dentist said a brighter shade would make the post in my left front tooth show through. She also says that she will not be able to get my lower teeth as light as B1 crowns when she does teeth whitening. Would BL4 work without showing the post? My dentist wants me to decide, and I feel pressured. Thank you. Anastasia from IL


Thank you for contacting Dr. Lacy’s office. We are concerned about your dentist’s approach to cosmetic dentistry and your preferences.

Are BL4 Crowns Too White for a Tooth with a Post?

Although your dentist says BL4 crowns are too white for a tooth with a post, she is confusing crown color with translucence. Making a crown whiter does not increase translucency. If the tooth post does not show through with B1, it will not show through with BL4 or super white crowns.

Why Is Your Dentist Insisting on Her Preferences?

When you get a smile makeover, an artistic cosmetic dentist will ask about your preferences for tooth shape, color, size, and other characteristics. If your dentist continues to insist on her preference, ask how much experience she has with crowns in bleached shades. Ask to see pictures of her patients who had a complete smile makeover with crowns in whiter shades.

After you see pictures of her work, if you feel confident that she can complete the dental crowns you describe, tell her the color you want, and ask if she agrees. When your crowns are ready, ask your dentist to use a try-in paste to ensure you are happy with the results. Only allow your dentist to cement or bond the crowns if you are happy and have no reservations about the results.

Getting a Second Opinion

If your dentist cannot meet your requests, we recommend scheduling consultations with at least two cosmetic dentists. Experienced cosmetic dentists will readily explain how they achieve the crown shade you want with natural-looking translucence. They will also explain why they would complete teeth whitening before ordering dental crowns from the lab.

This post is sponsored by Plano, Texas, female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Crowns on My Front Teeth Are the Wrong Shape

A dentist placed four zirconia crowns on my left central incisor back and the three teeth behind it. I got the crowns from the dentist because his price was $200 cheaper per crown than the other estimates. The crowns do not match the shape of my natural teeth, and they do not look natural at all. I am anxious about dental appointments anyway, and the thought of getting this work redone scares me. Could another dentist reshape these crowns to match my teeth? Thank you. Andra from GA


Thank you for your question. We are sorry to hear about your experience. Getting natural-looking results on crowns for front teeth is challenging, and zirconia crowns are even more difficult.

Challenges with Zirconia Crowns for Front Teeth

Some dentists with advanced cosmetic dentistry training understand how to make zirconia crowns look natural on front teeth. A cosmetic dentist can produce impressive results knowing these principles:

  • Dental labs make zirconia crowns from ceramic blocks – Dental labs mill mono-color zirconia blocks to shape them to fit over damaged natural teeth. The challenges are that a natural tooth varies in shade and translucence and achieving the right tooth shape with crowns takes a skilled dental ceramist.
  • Porcelain layers can make zirconia look natural – A ceramist must bake porcelain onto the surface and manipulate the color to match your natural teeth.

Can a Dentist Reshape Your Crowns?

Unfortunately, you will need new crowns because a dentist cannot reshape the existing ones. Ask your dentist for copies of your dental records and x-rays. Find an advanced cosmetic dentist for a consultation and exam to discuss how to correct your teeth.

Photo of female patient sitting and relaxing in a dental chair, for information on sedation dentistry from Plano female dentist, Dr. Miranda Lacy.
Ask your dentist about sedation options

After taking pictures and a mold of your teeth, a cosmetic dentist can create temporary crowns that match the characteristics of your natural teeth. If you approve the temporary crowns, your dentist will collaborate with a dental ceramist to duplicate them in high-quality ceramic. Speak with the dentist about your anxiety and sedation options to help you relax.

Dr. Miranda Lacy, a Plano, Texas dentist, sponsors this post.

Need an affordable dentist for new crowns for my front teeth

Normally I wouldn’t be asking for an affordable dentist to get crowns on my front teeth. The problem is that my crowns are fairly new. I got them in 2015. I went to a cosmetic dentist who showed me lots of pictures and really seemed to know what he was doing. The problems started when I tried in the temporary crowns and they looked too big. Maybe too thick is the correct word. They clearly sit too far forward from my natural teeth. My natural teeth aren’t that thick at all. The dentist bonded on the crowns without me knowing that it was permanent. This makes the crowns almost look like buck teeth. They uncomfortably touch the back of my lips and my profile in pictures is different than it used to be. My lips poke out slightly. People who didn’t know me before I got the crowns probably can’t tell unless they really look at my smile. My friends who knew my smile before notice that something is different. I don’t get into the subject of getting new crowns and they ended up thicker than the dentist and I agreed on. It goes without saying that this dentist isn’t going to replace my crowns. I don’t trust him. I want to replace the crowns. My dental insurance isn’t going to provide benefits for them because they crowns are barely 2 yrs old. So that brings be to the question of how can I find an affordable dentist to replace the crowns on my front teeth? Thanks for your help. Camila

Camila – We sympathize with your disappointment in your crowns. It’s clear that the dentist you visited was a cosmetic dentist in name only. We also understand your desire to find an affordable dentist to restore your smile since you won’t receive insurance benefits. Still, insist on an experienced cosmetic dentist to replace your crowns. There are several reasons why.

  • Care must be taken to remove the existing crowns. If your crowns were bonded to your natural teeth, they must be carefully removed. A cosmetic dentist will use diamond burs to carefully grind the crowns away from your natural teeth without damaging your teeth. Aggressive removal can cause serious damage your natural teeth.
  • Precision is required to match your natural teeth. The dentist who originally placed your crowns either isn’t interested in precision or doesn’t know how to achieve it. A trained cosmetic dentist is an artist who is usually more concerned about symmetry and aesthetics than his or her patients. Your crowns can perfectly match your natural teeth.
  • A great cosmetic dentist is also a great communicator. You have the right to be told when a restoration is bonded to your teeth. Your new dentist will ensure that the crowns are exactly what you want before they are bonded. You should insist on approving the look and feel of your smile before crowns are bonded to your teeth.

How to Find an Affordable Dentist

  • Make quality—not cost—your priority. Find several experienced cosmetic dentists in your area. Ask friends or family members for recommendations.
  • Check each dentist’s website for his or her training and credentials.  A dentist should be serious about continuing education to stay current with the latest tools and techniques that will give you a winning smile.
  • On each cosmetic dentist’s website, look for before-and-after photos of actual patients who have received crowns from the dentist. Otherwise, ask to see photos during a consultation.
  • Schedule consultations with at least two dentists to discuss your options and the cost.
  • Ask each affordable dentist how he or she can work with your budget to replace your crowns. Don’t insist on a bargain. “Affordable” can mean that you will be able to pay for services through a payment plan or financing.

If you are uneasy about any dentist’s ability or chairside manner, move on to the next affordable dentist. Best wishes!

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.