I just got new dentures 3 months ago. I thought I was done, but now I need to find an affordable dentist to replace my dentures. The upper dentures fit great but the lower dentures are very loose and regularly come off. Is this normal? I can’t even eat soft foods like applesauce and yogurt without dislodging them. The place I got the dentures from is one of those mega denture centers. I was treated quite rudely on all of my 4 attempts to get them to do something about these loose dentures. I refuse to be insulted when I have paid for a product and service. A close friend of mine is a consumer protection attorney and I am thinking about getting her help to get my money back. Meanwhile I still have to get dentures that fit. My budget doesn’t allow me to pay out of pocket right away, so I need to find an understanding dentist who is going to work with me on this issue. I feel awful about this, but I feel that I don’t have a lot of options. How do I begin to find an affordable dentist who will work with me on paying for new dentures? Thanks. Jeanne
Jeanne – We are sorry to hear about the difficulty you have experienced with your transition to dentures. Be assured that you can find an affordable dentist to help you.
It is not normal for new lower dentures to regularly come off. If they do come off regularly, either they were not properly fit initially, or previous to receiving dentures, you may have experienced jawbone shrinkage, which would make it difficult to keep a denture in.
You should speak with your new dentist about the problem. It is possible that your dentures need to be relined or even remade. You can contact a few cosmetic dentists in your area and ask about financial arrangements for financing or payment plans. Schedule a consultation with at least two of the dentists. Cosmetic dentists provide natural-looking dentures that fit well.
If you have experienced jawbone shrinkage, bone grafting can build your bone back up so that it can support a denture. Affordable dental implants can be used to stabilize your dentures and prevent further jawbone shrinkage. When your dentures are secured with dental implants, it will be easier to eat and speak with them.
If won’t be difficult to find an affordable dentist who will understand your circumstances and help you get the dental care you need.
This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.