Tag Archives: nitrous oxide

How much does sedation dentistry cost?

Can you tell me how much sedation dentistry costs? I have put off dental work for some time, knowing that I have severe decay. I have delayed going to the dentist because I did not have dental insurance for years. And although I got dental insurance in September of last year, I did not make a dental appointment due to anxiety. I’ve had three dentists over my lifetime, and two of them had poor patient care and were unnecessarily rough. I always left appointments in pain regardless of the procedure. Last weekend I fell and cracked a tooth. The crack doesn’t look that bad, but my tooth hurts. The pain throbs on and off. I think that I can make a dental appointment if I get sedated, but I would like to know how much it costs. If sedation is expensive, I can save money from each paycheck over the next two months. Thank you. Amit


Thank you for submitting your inquiry to our office. Your throbbing tooth pain is a symptom of internal tooth damage. See a dentist promptly for an examination.

Although sedation dentistry fees vary and you must speak with your provider for exacts costs, we can provide estimates.

How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost?

The cost of sedation dentistry depends on several factors, including the type of sedation you receive, the length of your dental appointment, and where you live in the U.S. because dental fees vary by location throughout the country.

Types of Sedation

Although dental offices vary with the sedation services offered, the types of sedation available include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. Many dental offices do not offer sedation at all, but others provide at least one option. The costs below are estimates. Call your dentist’s office to ask what type of sedation is available and how much it costs.

Sedation Dentistry with Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the lowest level of sedation.  You breathe in nitrous oxide through a small nose mask during your dental procedure. After the procedure, your dentist will give you pure oxygen to breathe in and quickly reverse the effects.

How much does nitrous oxide cost?

The average cost of sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide in the U.S. is $80 to $150 for the first hour. Your dentist may charge an additional fee if you require nitrous oxide longer than an hour.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is in pill form. Many dentists use the medication Halcion (Triazolam), while others may offer diazepam or lorazepam for sedation. You will take the medication before your dental appointment so that you can arrive relaxed.

How much does oral conscious sedation cost?

The average cost of oral conscious sedation in the U.S. is $250 to $500 per hour. If you need to remain sedated beyond an hour, you may incur an additional fee.

IV Sedation

Intravenous sedation works faster than nitrous oxide and sedation dentistry. The amount of sedation your dentist gives you can vary from making you drowsy to putting you in a deep sleep.

How much does IV sedation cost?

Although the depth of sedation affects the cost, on average, in the U.S., IV sedation costs $500 to $1000 per hour with an additional fee beyond an hour.

Will Insurance Cover the Cost of Sedation?

Woman's face with her eyes closed while she receives dental work
Ask your dentist’s office about sedation dentistry fees and contact your insurance provider about benefits

Each insurance plan differs. Contact your insurance provider and ask if they provide benefits for sedation dentistry. Most insurance plans that offer sedation benefits have restrictions on the length of time coverage is provided for a procedure. For example, an insurance plan may provide benefits toward the first hour of sedation only.

Your dentist’s office will explain sedation dentistry fees and how long you will need sedation during your dental procedure.

Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy sponsors this post.

Is the screw post in my tooth causing this weird sensation?

My dentist did a root canal on my left front tooth, but the tooth broke at the gumline. I returned to my dentist, and she used a metal screw to attach the temporary crown.  After getting the screw, I feel a weird pressure-like sensation in my nose, but it is not painful. Is this screw going to cause more problems? I am afraid that I will lose the tooth and need a bridge. I’ve needed nitrous oxide for minor dental appointments and stronger sedation for anything more serious. I am concerned about how much this will cost because I lost my full-time job and insurance in April. I have two part-time jobs and no dental insurance. Ezra from FL


You probably would have more success with the tooth if your dentist inserted the metal post right after root canal treatment. The tooth might not have broken if your dentist had stabilized it. But we will focus on the post and possible treatment options. Keep in mind that Dr. Lacy would need to examine and x-ray your tooth for an accurate diagnosis.

What Is a Dental Post for a Crown?

A dental post for a crown is a small metal shaft or screw. A dentist places the metal post inside the tooth after root canal treatment. A post helps support a crown if you do not have enough healthy tooth structure left. A dental lab makes a custom crown that your dentist will cement to the post.

What Are the Risks of a Post?

Although screw posts are generally stable and stay in the tooth, they can exert pressure on the tooth root. The root can split with the stress and cause sensitivity or pain. A dentist needs to examine your tooth and post to determine if the post is causing your symptoms.

Treatment for Front Tooth Broken at the Gumline

When a front tooth breaks at the gumline, many dentists agree that it cannot be saved. Rotational forces on front teeth can cause a crown or post to loosen. You can accept your dentist’s recommendation for the crown and post or get a second option.

Alternative treatment if you lose the tooth

Diagram of a dental bridge
Dental bridge

If you lose your tooth, the most effective way to replace it is with a dental implant. But you explained your employment situation and lack of dental insurance. And implants are the most expensive treatment for replacing missing teeth. A dental bridge or a dental flipper is a more affordable option.

  • Dental bridgeThree crowns are connected at the sides to replace a missing tooth. Your dentist must taper the tooth on either side of the missing one because the crown on each end of the bridge must fit over those teeth to anchor the bridge.
  • Flipper partial – A replacement tooth is embedded in an acrylic base. A clasp on each end of the appliance hooks around a tooth to keep the partial in place.
Photo of female patient sitting and relaxing in a dental chair, for information on sedation dentistry from Plano female dentist, Dr. Miranda Lacy.
Ask your dentist about sedation options

Depending on which treatment you use, you might need stronger sedation than nitrous oxide to help you relax. Talk to your dentist about your anxiety. Also, speak with her about financing or a payment plan to help you pay for care over time.

Miranda Lacy, DDS, a female dentist in Plano, TX, sponsors this post.