All posts by AllSmiles

Diet soda and your teeth

Most people are aware that regular soda contains large amounts of sugar that are damaging to your teeth. Did you know that diet soda can also cause tooth decay? Sorbitol, mannitol, and saccharine are sugar substitutes that are found in diet soda.  Bacteria in your mouth feed on both pure sugar and sugar substitutes. The sugar becomes acidic in your mouth; acid causes tooth enamel to erode.

Additionally, the acid that soda contains erodes your tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay. Sugary drinks are not limited to soda. Fruit juice, energy drinks, lemonade, and the like all are damaging to your teeth.

Instead of drinking soda or other sugary drinks throughout the day, sip on water. If you can’t completely eliminate soda from your diet, try limiting the amount of soda you drink. If possible, rinse your mouth with water to neutralize the acid from a sugary drink, then brush and floss your teeth.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Why aren’t teeth whitening strips helping?

I spent $40 on whitestrips for the second time but my teeth are not white like I want them. Which brand of whitestrips do you recommend to get my teeth really white? – Gina

Gina – Your experience is common. Although whitestrips contain peroxide gel, the gel is only a fraction of the strength of the teeth whitening gel you can get from a dentist. If the whitestrips work at all, they will only remove surface stains from your teeth.

The teeth bleaching gel available from a dentist will penetrate your teeth and break down the stains in them, producing a brilliantly white smile. There are other reasons to get your teeth whitened by your dentist.

Depending on the cause of the stains in your teeth, bleaching them may make the stains more noticeable. In some cases, porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns are the best way to conceal the stains. Your dentist will examine your teeth and be able to determine the results you will get by bleaching them.

Your dentist can monitor the progress of your teeth bleaching. He or she will provide you with customized trays that are specifically for your teeth. Customized trays make the bleaching process more effective, and they prevent you from wasting gel.

In-office treatment from your dentist will whiten your teeth in about an hour. If you choose a take-home kit, you will see brilliant results in about two weeks. Your dentist will instruct you on how to do touch-ups after in-office treatment, and how to get the best results with a take-home kit.

This blog post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy. Read about her free teeth whitening refills.


What is fast way to get my teeth whitened?

My sister’s wedding is less than 3 weeks away. I’m busy helping her with the planning, and I don’t have a lot of time for myself. What’s the fastest way to whiten my teeth? Thanks – Bekki

Bekki – In-office teeth whitening treatment is a quick way to a brilliant smile. Zoom!® whitening treatment is completed in about an hour.

Your dentist will retract your lips and protect your gums. The bleaching gel will be applied to your teeth, and the Zoom light will be shined on them to activate the gel. The treatment will be applied in three to four 15-minute sessions. When the treatment is completed, you’ll have the dazzling smile you want.

You will receive a take-home kit for touch-ups to keep your smile its brightest.

This blog post is sponsored by the office of Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.