Tag Archives: dental crown

My Dental Crown Won’t Stay On

My crown isn’t staying on. It has popped off three times now, and after each trip back to the dentist, I get the same answer: another procedure. This time, it is cutting away gum tissue to expose more of the tooth for the crown to hold onto. Sounds intense, right? There’s another thing that freaks me out—the base of my tooth, where the crown is black now. I could swear it wasn’t like that before the last repair. I have the crown in my hand. What should I do next? I’m exhausted. I had never hated dental visits before this drama. I can’t unwind. Thanks. Cherie


I understand your frustration with your crown falling off three times, and the proposed crown lengthening solution raises some concerns. While the procedure can be necessary in certain situations, your dentist’s approach, in this case, doesn’t sit quite right.

Our concerns:

  • Repeated failures: A crown shouldn’t fall off repeatedly. This suggests issues with either the initial preparation or the material used.
  • Reactive approach: Why wasn’t crown lengthening discussed upfront? Addressing potential limitations before starting seems like the responsible course of action.
  • Blackening on the tooth: This new development warrants investigation.

Gather information from one or two second-opinion appointments with dentists experienced in crown retentive techniques. Ask questions to understand your treatment options. Also, explain your anxiety and possible need for sedation to keep you relaxed.

If your dentist didn’t discuss potential limitations and the need for additional procedures upfront, ask for a refund or help paying for a new crown.

Plano, Texas, female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy sponsors this post.

Is it too late to save my fractured tooth?

I split my left incisor tooth, and after seeing three dentists, none of them want to save it. They all recommend extraction, but I want a dentist who will try to save it first. How can I find a dentist without schedule one consultation after another? I sweat when I think about what it will take to repair the tooth, but I can’t worry about the pain. I want to save it. – Thank you. Clarke


You have two challenges in finding a dentist who will try to save your fractured tooth.

Timing – It is essential to get treatment within a day or two. Although you didn’t mention when your tooth split, more than two days may have passed if you have seen three dentists.

Technique – Few dentists try to save a fractured tooth. But some have found success with this method:

  • Fit the tooth pieces perfectly back together
  • Hold the pieces with a dental crown
  • Follow-up on the tooth for the life of the patient

Documentation on this technique is limited, and there is insufficient research to declare it an acceptable method.

Photo of female patient sitting and relaxing in a dental chair, for information on sedation dentistry from Plano female dentist, Dr. Miranda Lacy.
Ask your dentist about sedation options

If a dentist is willing to save your tooth, perhaps an endodontist (root canal specialist) might be willing to do it. Visit the American Association of Endodontists website for information about traumatic tooth injuries, the risks associated with them, and where an endodontist can save a tooth or need to extract it. Regardless of which treatment you receive, an endodontist will numb the tooth. If you are anxious, you can request sedation.

But you must get an appointment right away. Look for a board-certified endodontist and schedule an appointment for an exam. You do not have any more time to schedule a consultation. The longer you wait, the higher the risk of requiring tooth extraction and a dental implant.

Plano, TX female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy sponsors this post.