Tag Archives: do whitening strips work

Thinking about Whitening Your Own Teeth for Free?

Are you thinking about whitening your teeth without having to pay a dentist? Some people think that as long as they get a good product, completing their own treatment is the next best thing to free teeth whitening. But how do you know which bleaching gel to use? And what results can you expect?

It Starts with the Trays

Before you consider which brand of bleaching gel to use, keep in mind that custom whitening trays will give you the best results. Why use custom trays?

Photo of upper and lower teeth whitening trays in a blue case; for information on teeth alignment from the office Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.
You’ll get better result with custom teeth whitening trays
  • Precise fit – Custom whitening trays are made from impressions of your teeth. They will fit precisely to maximize the whitening treatment.
  • Results – The trays will keep bleaching gel in contact with your teeth and away from your gums. You won’t have to worry about wasting gel.
  • Comfort – Since the trays are the exact shape of your teeth, the bleaching process will be comfortable. The bleaching gel won’t burn your lips or gums. You can read, relax, or watch a movie without trying to keep a one-size-fits-all tray on your teeth and away from your lips and gums. There is no mess to clean up with custom trays.

And Now the Teeth Whitening Products

So which product will you use? There are so many whitening products available. If you search online, you can even find free teeth whitening kits. But what results can you expect?

  • Whitening strips – The strength of over-the-counter whitening strips is limited because they don’t require the supervision of a dentist. The most potent whitening strips are a fraction of the strength professional bleaching gel.
  • Brush-on gel – This bleaching gel is brushed on your teeth. There are many brands available. Based on the common ingredients, you can expect a mild whitening effect. Like whitening strip, it is not as effective as professional-strength bleaching gel.
  • Opalescence or Zoom Nite White – Some dentists use these brands. They are available in various strengths for comfortable whitening. If you have sensitive teeth, a less potent gel will be used. Within two weeks your teeth will be dramatically whiter. These high-potency gels contain carbamide peroxide, one of the most effective whitening agents, and should be administered by a dentist.
  • Snow® whitening – Snow teeth whitening is a popular brand that is advertised on TV. It also ranks highly on Google search. After painting on bleaching gel, you will place a tray over your teeth that will shine an LED light on them. The idea is that the light will boost the whitening process. But does it work? It’s difficult to find information on the website about the ingredients in the bleaching gel. And no studies are published on the Snow website.

If you want safe, effective whitening, the best way to get it is from your dentist. If you want free teeth whitening treatment, even some dentists provide it if you maintain your cleaning and exam appointments.

But if you’re determined to do your own teeth whitening, ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, and use caution in your product selection

This post is sponsored by Dr. Miranda Lacy of Plano, TX.