I have 2 lower teeth missing. The spaces are embarrassing. I to have a dentist fix my teeth but I don’t want to go into debt trying to do it. I just want to get a feel for what my options are before a dentist tries to sell me something I don’t need or can’t afford. Thank you. Lynn
Lynn – The least expensive way to replace a missing tooth is with a partial denture. An acrylic tooth that is bonded to a gum colored base is used. You can receive metal clasps to wrap around the adjacent teeth to keep the partial denture in place. A partial denture is removable.
The next option is a dental bridge. Each tooth on either side of the missing one is shaved enough to so that a dental crown will fit over it. The replacement tooth is suspended between the two crowns.
The most effective option, and also the most expensive option, is a dental implant. A titanium stem is surgically implanted in your jawbone, and when your gum heals around the jawbone, a crown is secured to it.
Depending on how well you take care of it, a partial denture can last several years and a dental bridge can last five to ten years. Although a dental implant costs more, it will last a lifetime.
Discuss your options with a dentist who is trained in cosmetic dentistry. A cosmetic dentist will give you the most natural-looking results possible, based on which treatment you choose. He or she will let you know how replacing your teeth can be made affordable for you.
This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.