Category Archives: Sedation Dentistry

Will the emergency room pull my tooth?

My dentist is not gentle. Well he is really not still my dentist because I haven’t been there for 2 years. I have a bad, bad toothache and am wondering if I go to the emergency room if they will knock me out and pull my tooth. My thoughts are this is a better and faster way than trying to find a new dentist. Thanks Baron.

Baron – Emergency rooms are equipped to handle all sorts of medical emergencies. But they are not prepared to handle dental emergencies.

Emergency room staff are not trained to examine and assess the issues with your tooth. Dental x-ray equipment is not available, nor is a sterile environment for oral care. At best, you may be given pain reliever.

Your tooth may not need to be extracted. And if it can be preserved, it’s best to do so for your overall oral health. Missing teeth cause jawbone shrinkage and cause other teeth to shift. When your bite is misaligned, you incur additional problems.

If you choose not to return to your most recent dentist, you can search for a gentle dentist who accepts emergency appointments. The pain you’ve described indicates that your tooth is infected, so don’t delay getting the treatment. If you have dental anxiety, it can be addressed with mild anti-anxiety medication to help you relax during your appointment. Take a little time to find the right dentist for you.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can I sedate myself with Xanax before my dentist’s appointment?

I am funny about putting prescription medication in my body. I already have several meds that I have to take and I don’t want to add another one just for dental appointments. I need some extensive work done and I don’t want the anti-anxiety med from the dentist. The work will probably take several appointments. I moved here from MD and my previous dentist recommended sedation to get all the work done. Xanax works great for me and makes me relax, so I just want to take a pill before my appointment. Same diff right? Do you think I can find a dentist who will let me take my own sedation meds? – Jovana

Jovana – We recommend that you first find a few sedation dentists with whom you can have consultation. If you are not able to receive recommendations from friends or family, do some research on the Internet to find several sedation dentists. Find out how long each dentist has been practicing sedation and what forms are offered.

Explain your concerns and anxiety. Also let the dentist know that you want to take Xanax before your appointment, and why you prefer to use your own medication. You will be able find a dentist with whom you are comfortable and can work out agreeable arrangements for your sedation and your dental treatment.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX cosmetic dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Why can’t I get nitrous oxide for dental cleanings?

No one in my dentist’s office has actually laughed at me, but they really make me feel like I am exaggerating when I say that I need nitrous oxide for my dental cleanings. I have tried to get the cleanings without it and it is way too traumatic. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for nitrous for my cleanings? – Luca

Luca – If you are very nervous about dental cleanings, it is more important for you to have nitrous oxide during your cleanings than to avoid the dentist.

One option is to schedule an appointment with your dentist just to explain the level of your fear. If he or she listens and cooperates, fine. Otherwise, you can schedule consultations with other dentists. You can get recommendations from acquaintances or family members.

Dental phobia is real. Millions of Americans have it. You will be able to find a dentist who is both gentle and willing to give you nitrous oxide before your cleanings. The goal is to help you maintain good oral health.

Consider whether or not the emotional stress is worth remaining with a dentist who doesn’t respect your wishes.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Dentist refuses to sedate me for 3 fillings

I am a dental phobic. My dentist in Austin understood that and I had no problems getting sedation from her. Now I have a new dentist who tells me I have 3 cavities and refuses to give me sedation. He says that he is gentle and I won’t feel a thing, so no sedation is required. How can I convince him to sedate me before drilling out the cavities? Thanks Clayton

Clayton – You may not be able to convince your dentist to provide you with sedation for your cavities, but you can schedule an appointment to explain your fear to him. If you are not successful, consider seeing another dentist who will provide you the sedation needed to restore your teeth.

There are different levels of sedation, including nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation, and IV sedation. Many patients successfully receive treatment with nitrous oxide, also called “laughing gas.” It relaxes them enough to have a productive appointment.

For patients that need a higher level of sedation, conscious oral sedation is mild anti-anxiety medication that will make you relaxed and sleepy throughout your dental appointment. It is taken an hour in advance of the appointment. You need to arrange transportation to the appointment. When you arrive, you will be relaxed and ready for treatment. IV sedation is the highest level of sedation.

When you choose a sedation dentist, ask him or her about training and experience in sedation, the levels of sedation offered, and the results you can expect.

Maintaining good oral health is made easier with sedation. You can find a dentist who will respect your anxiety and work to alleviate it to preserve and restore your teeth.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Will I have pain if I get porcelain veneers or will the dentist sedate me?

I am undecided on whether to get crowns or porcelain veneers for my front teeth. Either way, I don’t want to feel any pain at all. I tend to get anxiety attacks at the dentist so I need to know in advance what kind of pain I should anticipate. If I get porcelain veneers, will I feel a lot of pain when my teeth are shaved down or will the dentist just sedate me? Manahl

Manahl – Porcelain veneers require light preparation of your natural teeth to ensure that the veneers will look natural, not bulky. This light preparation will reduce the outer layer of your teeth by about 0.2 mm. The process is most often pain free. When teeth are incorrectly positioned or crowded, a little more tooth structure may need to be removed, and some sensitivity might be felt.

Although you might feel a little discomfort during the procedure, and not pain, if you are anxious, let your cosmetic dentist know in advance so that sedation can be arranged. He or she will give you a mild anti-anxiety medication to take in advance of your appointment, and it will help you relax.

Even if you don’t feel pain from the procedure, if you are anxious, it can make your appointment stressful and less productive. Anxiety can cause dental procedures to be interrupted with the need to schedule another appointment to complete the work.

Find an artistic cosmetic dentist to provide you with porcelain veneers, and speak with him or her about your options for sedation.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

How much does sedation dentistry usually cost?

I’m planning on getting a lot of dental work done this fall and I want it with sedation. I’ve heard that most insurance companies won’t pay for the sedation. How much does the sedation cost? – Simone

Simone – There are different types of sedation dentistry or comfort dentistry. Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that you breathe in during treatment to help you relax.

Oral conscious sedation, the next level of sedation, involves taking a mild sedative in pill form. You will rest comfortably during treatment and you are unlikely to remember what happened during your appointment. Sedation medication can also be administered intravenously.

The cost of sedation depends, in part, on where in the U.S. the dentist is located, the type of sedation you receive, and the length of time it is needed for your dental procedure.

It is best to contact your dentist to find out the type of sedation used and an approximate cost. Contact your insurance provider to find out if any benefits for sedation dentistry are provided. If you will have out-of-pocket costs for sedation, your dentist may be able to make it affordable for you.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

I need cavities filled, but I’m afraid of the dentist

I have 3 cavities that need to be filled. I have avoided making the appointment to get the work done because I hate going to the dentist. What is the process for filling the cavities? Is a needle involved? Thanks. Cherise

Cherise – Before your cavities are filled, your teeth and gums are numbed to prevent you from experiencing pain during the procedure. But a topical anesthetic will be applied to prevent you from feeling the pain of the injection.

When your teeth and gums are numb, the decay in the tooth is removed. Your tooth will be rinsed to remove any debris around it. The tooth will be prepared and filling will be placed in it. You can get tooth-colored fillings that blend in naturally with your teeth. The numbness in your mouth will gradually diminish within several hours after the appointment.

If you are particularly anxious, you can find a dentist who provides sedation dentistry for anxious patients. Sedation dentistry relaxes you so that you can have a productive dental appointment.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.