Tag Archives: free teeth whitening

How do I whiten patchy spots on teeth after braces are removed?

Hi. I saw the orthodontist last week and I will be getting braces soon. I have to wear them for 2 years. I am afraid that after wearing them so long I will get patchy spots on my teeth like some of the kids I go to school with. If I have patchy teeth when the braces are removed after 2 years, how can I get rid of the patches? Brooke Turner

Brooke – Instead of treating patchy spots on teeth after braces, we advise you to follow the steps required to avoid the patchy spots altogether.

Patchy spots on teeth after your braces are removed are the result of poor oral hygiene. When food is left on your teeth, it comes in contact with acid, causing bacteria to form on your teeth. When food and bacterial are trapped between braces and are not removed, calcium and phosphate are depleted from your teeth. The decalcification is the cause of the white spots on your teeth.

The white spots can be prevented if you avoid sugary and acid foods and drinks. Use fluoride toothpaste and brush your teeth thoroughly after every meal. Floss daily, and keep your regular appointments with your dentist for an exam or cleaning. Your dentist may recommend a fluoridated mouthwash or fluoride treatments.

When braces are removed and a person has white spots on their teeth, a cosmetic dentist can help. The teeth may need to be carefully remineralized with fluoride. Or, microabrasion—gently removing the damaged enamel from the tooth can help. If teeth are excessively spotted, they can be restored with porcelain veneers.

If you are diligent about oral hygiene you won’t have patchy spots on your teeth, but there may be stains on your teeth from the composite that was used to bond the braces to them. A cosmetic dentist can polish away the composite stains. After that your teeth can be whitened.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Why aren’t teeth whitening strips helping?

I spent $40 on whitestrips for the second time but my teeth are not white like I want them. Which brand of whitestrips do you recommend to get my teeth really white? – Gina

Gina – Your experience is common. Although whitestrips contain peroxide gel, the gel is only a fraction of the strength of the teeth whitening gel you can get from a dentist. If the whitestrips work at all, they will only remove surface stains from your teeth.

The teeth bleaching gel available from a dentist will penetrate your teeth and break down the stains in them, producing a brilliantly white smile. There are other reasons to get your teeth whitened by your dentist.

Depending on the cause of the stains in your teeth, bleaching them may make the stains more noticeable. In some cases, porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns are the best way to conceal the stains. Your dentist will examine your teeth and be able to determine the results you will get by bleaching them.

Your dentist can monitor the progress of your teeth bleaching. He or she will provide you with customized trays that are specifically for your teeth. Customized trays make the bleaching process more effective, and they prevent you from wasting gel.

In-office treatment from your dentist will whiten your teeth in about an hour. If you choose a take-home kit, you will see brilliant results in about two weeks. Your dentist will instruct you on how to do touch-ups after in-office treatment, and how to get the best results with a take-home kit.

This blog post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy. Read about her free teeth whitening refills.