Everyone in my family has bad teeth. I think its in our genes. On both my mother and father’s side of the family. I don’t go to the dentist which is wrong on my part. I am 24 years old and I am afraid that I am going to need dentures before I am 40. I can tell that I have several rotten teeth in the back at least 5 or 6. I do brush my teeth 2 times every day, but my teeth are bad and they are staring to make my breath stink. I want a nice smile. What are the steps for getting my teeth pulled and getting dentures for a nice smile? I heard that you can get put to sleep at the dentists office to get teeth pulled out just like you would if you got surgery in the hospital. Can you tell me about this? Thanks for your advice. Nichole from OK
Nichole – Although you don’t go to the dentist, this is an excellent time to change your habits and make an appointment with a dentist.
We will not advise you to get dentures at 24 years old. Visit a dentist to have x-rays taken of your teeth, and to get them cleaned and examined. If you have cavities, they can be filled. If you have teeth that are broken down, it is likely that they can be protected with ceramic crowns, and people will think the crowns are your natural teeth.
Dentures have several disadvantages to other forms of treatment that are available to you. They won’t look as natural as other treatment options. Dentures reduce your chewing efficiency—it is cut in half. Dentures can slip around and even fall out of your mouth. When all of your teeth are missing, eventually, in about 10 to 15 years, your jawbone will begin to shrink. Your face will eventually sink in and make you look older. But slipping dentures and facial collapse can be prevented if dentures are secured with dental implants. At your age, there are other options.
Your dentist will be able to protect your teeth and help you improve your oral hygiene. Be sure to find a cosmetic dentist to do the work and give you a natural-looking result. He or she will tell you the options for preserving your teeth and giving you the beautiful smile you want.
This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.