Tag Archives: root canal porcelain veneer

Will Root Canal Treatment Ruin a Porcelain Veneer?

I have eight porcelain veneers on my upper front teeth. After seeing an ENT for what I thought was a sinus infection, my dentist found the problem. I have a periapical abscess. My dentist referred me to an endodontist for a root canal, but I’m concerned because the abscess is between my right lateral incisor and the tooth behind it. Will I need a new veneer for the tooth with an abscess? Thanks. Abbie from Arlington, VA


Without root canal treatment, the infection can spread deep into your jawbone. However, it is uncommon to have an infection in a porcelain veneer tooth.

Will Root Canal Treatment Ruin a Porcelain Veneer?

If your dentist placed and bonded your porcelain veneers well, you should not lose them during root canal treatment. The endodontist can access the infection without damaging the veneer. You can ask the endodontist about the procedure and how he will avoid damaging your veneers.

Why Might a Porcelain Veneer Tooth Need a Root Canal?

Aggressively preparing a tooth for porcelain veneers increases the risk of stress and infection that requires root canal treatment. We hope that over-preparation of your teeth for veneers is not the cause of your tooth infection. However, we won’t linger on what may be the cause of the infection because you need root canal treatment.

A tooth turns dark after a root canal procedure because a dentist replaces the tooth pulp with root canal filler material after removing the infection. The material and cement left in the tooth make it look darker.

Ask your dentist to clean the filler material and cement from the portion of your tooth above the gumline. After removing the material, your dentist can place a fiberglass post into the tooth root and fill the space with a tooth-colored composite. This intervention can help your teeth retain its color for five to ten years.

Dr. Miranda Lacy, a Plano, Texas dentist, sponsors this post. Dr. Lacy makes treatment affordable through payment plans and offering treatment alternatives when appropriate.