All posts by AllSmiles

Stinky teeth and headaches. Need to find cheapest dentist in town. Not a dental school please!

How can I find the cheapest dentist around my town without calling every office? I have at least 3 teeth that I know are rotten. They stink and give me headaches and they make my breath stink too. I need to cover them up withcaps and I have only a little dental insurance so I don’t want Lexus caps more like Ford Fiesta caps. Help please. L.Z.

L.Z. – You can get the treatment you need by finding a dentist who offers payment plans or financing to make your treatment affordable.

You can either ask friends and family members for recommendations, or you can find dentists by searching on the Internet for one who will give you natural-looking dental crowns, or caps, and who offers payment plans.

If it’s within your budget, consider having the work done in phases so that you can afford quality crowns that will look natural and last. If you receive inferior crowns, it may be that they will need to be replaced sooner than your budget allows.

Phasing the work and taking advantage of payment plans or financing will give you a long-lasting restoration for your teeth and be easy on your budget.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can my sister and me share Invisalign?

Both me and my sister have gaps between our teeth. Mine are a little more crooked than hers. She is 16 and I will be 18 next month. Our mom said we can get Invisalign but since we both have jobs we have to help pay for it. We are wondering if we can share Invisalign. If I start on it first then give the trays to her whenever I am finished with a set. That way both of our teeth will get straight for the price of one. Is this possible? thanks – Lillie

Lillie – You and your sister are not able to share Invisalign® aligners. The aligners are custom made for each person.

The aligners are made based on the shape and current position of your teeth, and the precise positions to which your teeth need to move to get them perfectly aligned. The required movement of your teeth will be different from your sister’s.

Your aligners will not fit your sister’s teeth and vice versa. Trying to make your aligners fit on someone else’s teeth will do more harm than good. Your dentist will have separate treatment plans and separate Invisalign aligners for you and your sister.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Huge S&H charges from free teeth whitening scam

I got several pop-up ads for free teeth whitening on web pages I was viewing. The ad said that I only need to pay shipping and handling so I ordered it. I never received free teeth whitening, but I did receive three charges on my credit card for the shipping and handling – $24.99 for each charge! Now I am working with my credit card company to get the charges removed. Do you know of any legitimate places where I can get free teeth whitening? – Jan

Jan – We are sorry to hear about your costly experience. There are many scams for free teeth whitening. Often, if you do receive the product, it doesn’t work well, if it works at all.

Believe it or not, many dentists offer free teeth whitening. Dr. Lacy offers free take-home whitening treatment to patients who remain current with their exams and cleanings. If the teeth whitening from your didn’t isn’t free, he or she may offer specials or work out a plan with you to make it affordable for you.

Let your dentist know that you want to whiten your smile. He or she will let you know your payment options.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Ripped off by mobile dentist

I saw an ad for a mobile dentist. It looked legit so I scheduled an appointment. There are certain spots that the mobile van is supposed to be on certain days so I went. I figured this was good and convenient for me and I don’t like sitting around in dentists office any way. So the setup wasn’t really as good as a dental office but I figured it’s a van so I shouldn’t expect the same thing. Any way the guy started cleaning my teeth and cut my gums twice.I should have left but I didn’t. Then after my teeth were cleaned and polished he told me that I needed four fillings and to schedule another appointment but he needed 20% down. I didn’t give cash but I put the 20% on my credit card. I know dumb me. Any way I just saw on the news that the guy is a scam and I have to get my credit card company to see if I can get my money back. If they can find him. Just wanted to let people out there to know to beware. D.C.

D.C. – Thank you for sharing your experience. There is a lesson for all to learn. The legitimacy of a business—particularly mobile healthcare—needs to be verified in advance.

You are like many people who don’t like going to the dentist. But not all dentists are alike. Many dentists have created an office environment and a dental experience with patients like you in mind. The next time you need an appointment, look for websites that feature gentle dentistry. Take time to look at patient reviews to find out what you can expect from the dentist and his or her team.

We are certain that you can find a positive dental experience if you take a little time to find the best dentist for you.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

How can I trust a dentist?

I have two fillings that fell out and I have a third tooth that needs so much filling there will be more tooth than filling. That’s what I know of. I am going to find a dentist but how do I know that the dentist won’t just tell me that I need more work because he wants the money? How do I know whether or not to trust what the dentist says?  Mila

Mila – You can ask friends and family members for references to a dentist whom they already trust. You can check patient reviews, too.

The dentist you visit should provide you with treatment options—not just a single treatment. Patient reviews may give you added confidence about the dentist.

If major dental work is recommended, and you’re seeing a dentist with whom you are not familiar, we suggest that you get a second opinion. You can have another dentist, outside of the practice, examine your teeth and let you know what treatment he or she suggests.

If you have dental insurance, it will likely provide coverage for a second opinion. But an examination fee for a second opinion may be well worth it to help you make a decision regarding which treatment you will choose.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can you smoke with Invisalign?

I am 19 yrs old. I need braces but I want Invisalign. I smoke. Not a chain smoker but I smoke 6 to 8 cigs a day. Can I get Invisalign or can I take them out while I smoke for a few minutes? Thanks in advance for not lecturing me about the dangers of smoking. f JT

JT – Invisalign® should only be taken out to eat or to floss and brush your teeth—that’s a wearing time of 20 to 22 hours a day.

Smoking while you wear Invisalign will cloud the aligners. They will no longer be invisible, and invisibility is the reason why most people choose them. If you want Invisalign to stay invisible, consider whether or not you want to stop smoking. If you will continue to smoke and you want Invisalign because the aligners are clear, you should consider braces instead.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Looking for an affordable dentist

I need to have two crowns on my back, left molars. I have been looking online for an affordable dentist and I found your site but I live 6 hours from your office. How can I find one? – Lottie

Lottie – In the search box for your web browser, enter the name of your city and the words “affordable dentist” (example: Plano affordable dentist).

Include the name of your city and the word “dentist” in every search. Then include words such as “financing,” “payment plans,” or “no dental insurance.” You will be able to find a dentist who explains the options for your treatment, some of which may be more affordable for you. Or a dentist may be able to do your work in phases. Many dentists offer no-interest financing or payment plans.

If you don’t see the details for financial arrangements on a dentist’s website, call his or her office for more information. Be sure to find a dentist with cosmetic dentistry training. You get natural-looking results that will make the investment in your smell worthwhile. Best wishes on your search.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Dentist question for my son

I need to schedule my son’s first dental appointment. He will be 5 yrs old in October. I know I should have taken him sooner. I think my fear of the dentist has made me delay his first appointment. How do I prepare him for the appointment? – Melissa

Melissa – If you have already chosen the dentist for your son’s appointment, you can take your son to see the office and meet the staff. If your dentist is a family dentist who also treats children, take your son with you to your dental appointment so he can see your successful appointment. Don’t mention your fear of the dentist to your son. If you don’t have an appointment scheduled before your son will need his visit, stop by your dentist’s office to introduce your son to the staff.

Explain to your son that he is going to get his teeth checked and cleaned just as adults do. He will have healthy teeth and a nice smile.

If you are still deciding upon a dentist for your son and your own dentist treats children, both you and your son may be more comfortable there. If you haven’t made a decision on where your child where be treated, visit a few dental offices with your son to ensure you are both comfortable with the office environment and the staff.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Teeth whitening for free?

LaSt week I saw a website that featured a few teeth whitening kits with 30 day free trials, but I can’t find the site again now. Can you tell me about free teeth whitening kits that really work? I found your site but I live in Odessa. Thanks Samantha

Samantha – Your request is common. The most effective free teeth-whitening you can get will come from a dentist. There are dentists, like Dr. Miranda Lacy who offer free take-home whitening treatment if you stay current with your dental exams and cleanings.

It is unlikely that free teeth-whitening kits you order online will be effective. You may get limited results, but they won’t compare to the professional-strength whitening gel that dentists provide.

You might try Internet searches for dentists with free teeth whitening. Include the name of your city or nearby cities in the search words you enter. If you can’t find free whitening from a dentist in your area, you will likely be able to find a dentist who can make the take-home kit affordable for you.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

How can I get over my phobia from dentists?

i’ve had dental problems ever since i can remember.  in the past, several dentists made painful mistakes with my teeth…and i started to hate going to the dentist…and put off visiting them…and now my teeth are so bad I am ashamed to smile…what can help me get over my fear? Tab

Tab – Find a dentist who is concerned about your comfort. You will find websites for dentists who feature gentle dentistry or comfort dentistry.

These dentists and their staffs enjoy treating anxious patients, and they will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. If you are especially anxious, nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation can be used to calm you during your dental procedure.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.